ActiveFit® is a healthcare app used by health plans and other sponsors to track and reward physical activity. ActiveFit records steps walked and visits to more the 30,000 fitness facilities nationwide using geolocation and beacon technologies. NOTE: ActiveFit® is only available to participants...
ActiveFit17+ Advanta Health Solutions 专为iPhone 设计 1.5 • 100 个评分 免费 截屏 iPhone Apple Watch 简介 ActiveFit® is a healthcare app used by health plans and other sponsors to track and reward physical activity. ActiveFit records steps walked and visits to more the 30,000 fitness fa...
文献“Active Learning by querying informative and representative examples(2010)”中提出了一种综合利用聚类信息和分类间隔的样例选择方法; 文献“Active Learning using a Variational Dirichlet Processing model for pre-clustering and classification of underwater stereo imagery(2011)”提出了一种利用预聚类协助选择...
华为智能手表WATCH FIT3 超轻薄大屏强劲续航 534.86元 苹果/Apple WatchSeries10 GPS版铝金属表壳智能运动手表24年新款 2020.06元 百亿补贴:HONOR 荣耀 多功能运动手表 798元 聚划算:乳白色 佳明EPIX PRO运动腕表 4731元(需88VIP 95折) 小天才电话手表Z8A官方旗舰正品智能儿童电话手表学生青少年6-12岁专用可视频...
背景和目的Background and Objectives: 确定富马酸二甲酯 (DMF) 和醋酸格拉替雷对体外多发性硬化症 (MS) 患者和人小胶质细胞慢性活动性病变中铁含量的影响。 方法Methods: 这是一项回顾性观察研究,纳入了 34 名使用 DMF 或醋酸格拉替雷治疗的复发缓解型 MS 和临床孤立综合征患者。患者的病灶在定量磁敏图上具有...
Object ID Number Identifies 1 ISO ("root" authority) issued 1.2 to ANSI, then… 2 ANSI issued 1.2.840 to USA, then… 840 USA issued 1.2.840.113556 to Microsoft, then… 113556 Microsoft internally manages several object identifier branches under 1.2.840.113556 that include… 1 a branch called...
Object ID Number Identifies 1 ISO ("root" authority) issued 1.2 to ANSI, then… 2 ANSI issued 1.2.840 to USA, then… 840 USA issued 1.2.840.113556 to Microsoft, then… 113556 Microsoft internally manages several object identifier branches under 1.2.840.113556 that include… 1 a branch called...
Staying active and fit could help to reduce some of the bad health effects usually from bad sleep, according to a large study of 380, 055 middle-aged people who took part in the UK Biobank research project.We all know that a healthy life means getting both plenty of exercise and enough ...
We develop a tool allowing us to test different dynamic pricing strategies designed to fit market conditions and seller's objectives, which will facilitate data analysis and decision-making in the face of the problem of dynamic pricing. 展开 ...
For more information about this limit, see articles 316201 ( and 305475 ( in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.Note The Active Directory database does not set limits on the number of objects in a ...