Ekkekakis P, Hall EE, Petruzzello SJ (2005) Evaluation of the circumplex structure of the Activation Deactivation Adjective Check List before and after a short walk. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 6: 83- 101.Ekkekakis, P., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2005). Evaluation of ...
Hypothesized the Activation-Deactivation Adjective Check List (AD-ACL), a self-report test of transitory levels of activation, to have advantages over the MA scale as an indicant of drive in tests of predictions drawn from Hull-Spence theory. 2 groups of Ss tested in a low-threat group proc...
Subjects low or high in activation, as measured by Thayer's Activation-Deactivation Adjective Check List, participated in two semantic tasks, one involving speed of recall and the other speed of recognition. White noise at 80 db. re 20 muN/m-2 was presented on half the trials. There was ...
TestLoopbackRegularDeactivation TetheredCallActive TftSemanticError TftSytaxError 熱Emergency 熱省略 TratSwapFailed UeInitiatedDetachOrDisconnect UeIsEnteringPowersaveMode UeRatChange UeSecurityCapabilitiesMismatch UmtsHandoverToIwlan UmtsReactivationReq 可接受的NetworkParameter UnacceptableNonEpsAuthentication Unknown...
Thayer, RE (1986) Activation-deactivation adjective check list (AD ACL): current overview and structural analysis. Psychol Rep 58: pp. 607-614Thayer RE (1986) Activation-deactivation adjective check list (AD ACL): current overview and structural analysis. Psychol Rep 58:607-614...
Subjects were divided into four groups on the basis of their scores on the extraversion scale of the Eysenck Personality Inventory and the general activation scale of Thayer's Activation-Deactivation Adjective Check List. A prose passage was presented to subjects who then attempted to recall it ...
Cross-cultural validity of scores in Thayer's Ac- tivation-Deactivation Adjective Check List (AD ACL). Društvena Istraživanja 10, 887-902.Kosˇ c´ ec, A., Radosˇ evic´ -Vidacˇ ek, B. (2001). Cross-cultural validity of scores in Thayer's activation-deactivation adjective ...
Two experiments providing additional validity data on the Profile of Mood States and the Thayer Activation-Deactivation Adjective Check List were performed. In the third and main experiment, seven normally menstruating women filled out both questionnaires at the same time every day for 90 days. They...