changing the entire line whithin of text file via powershell Changing the Remote Desktop Profile Path with Powershell Changing width of [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox] Changing Windows metric value without the need of logoff/reboot Charting with Powershell Check account properties - DES Check AD a...
Activating EGL from the Windows Command Line (Terminal)Launch the Command Prompt on Windows Click on the Start menu and type in cmd. Use the command cd .. to go to your root directory.In the root directory, navigate to your Installation Directory while using the command below. We wrap the...
How to change user's description via command line on Server 2008 How to check BDC and PDC list? How to check for a product key on the installed OS - Server 2003 R2 How to check if FRS or DFSR are being used? how to check if ipsec ip filter is working? How to check my CAL and...
I am going to discuss a very exciting addition to Windows Server 2012 R2, called as AVMA (Automatic Virtual Machine Activation). As the name suggests, this feature allows automatic activation of virtual machines running on Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V hos...
Other ways to activate NVivo 12 WindowsIf you are deploying NVivo to multiple users, there are advanced methods that you can use to simplify the activation process.Activation instructions are included in the following installation topic:Unattended command line installation Deactivate a license...
Additional informationforadmins:This featureisshipped offbydefault. You can enableitvia PowerShell. Forreferencecheck Set-OwaMailboxPolicy. Connecting using Connect-ExchangeOnline-UserPrincipalName<UPN> Trying this command: Set-OwaMailboxPolicy-ProjectMocaEnabled $true ...
Likewise, if i had wanted to open a work order, I could have called via: AppActivate "Change Order: Initial Screen" So long as you had navigated to that transaction in SAP prior to enabling it, you would have had an active IW32 screen for order maintenance. The rest of my code was...
Environment data VS Code version: 1.27.1 (user setup) Extension version (available under the Extensions sidebar): 2018.8.0 OS and version: Windows 10 Python version (& distribution if applicable, e.g. Anaconda): Python 3.7..0 Type of vir...
Finally, remove the sandboxed solution by using the Remove-SPUserSolution command. The Remove-SPUserSolution command takes the same arguments as the Uninstall-SPUserSolution cmdlet.PowerShell Copy Remove-SPUserSolution -Identity HelloWorldSolution.WSP -Site ...
Deployvlmcsdeither as a Windows service, or just run it in daemon mode on the command line on the machine you want to activate. Make sure to allow network access when prompted by Windows. This step is not necessary when deploying as Windows service. ...