C:\projects\pythontests>venv\Scripts\activate.bat(venv) C:\projects\pythontests> 20.25.2 (same effect in the latest version) C:\projects\pythontests>venv\Scripts\activate.batC:\projects\pythontests>() Environment Provide at least: OS: Windows 10, Windows 11 pip listof the host python wherev...
Run any cell in any jupyter-notebook in vscode causes an error: Activating Python 3.8.0 64-bit ('myenv': venv) to run Jupyter failed with Error: StdErr from ShellExec, Parameterformat falsch - 850. Vscode recognizes the venv in the terminal. "python.pythonPath": "C:\\Users\\myname\...
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.18363 Extension version (available under the Extensions sidebar): v2021.3.680753044 Python version (& distribution if applicable, e.g. Anaconda): 3.7.9 64bit - Anaconda Type of virtual environment used (N/A | venv | virtualenv | conda | ...): conda ...
Type of virtual environment used (N/A | venv | virtualenv | conda | ...): venv Relevant/affected Python packages and their versions: N/A Actual behavior Creating a new terminal in a fresh Windows install results in a powershell error ...
Type of virtual environment used (N/A | venv | virtualenv | conda | ...): virtualenvwrapper Relevant/affected Python-related VS Code extensions and their versions: pylance v2021.8.3, jupyter v2021.8.1236758218, Visual Studio IntelliCode v1.2.14 Value of the python.languageServer setting: Pylanc...
Environment data VS Code version: 1.49.3 Extension version (available under the Extensions sidebar): 2020.9.112786 OS and version: ubuntu 16.04.5 Python version (& distribution if applicable, e.g. Anaconda): 3.7.3 Type of virtual environment used (N/A | venv | virtualenv | conda | ......
OS and version: Windows 10 (Version 10.0.17763.55) Python version (& distribution if applicable, e.g. Anaconda): Python 3.7.0 (Anaconda 3 [Version 5.3.0]) Type of virtual environment used (N/A | venv | virtualenv | conda | ...): conda Relevant/affected Python packages and their versi...