必应词典为您提供activated-sludge-process的释义,na. 用活性污泥加速阴沟污物的分解; 网络释义: 活化污泥处理;
activated process 【机】 活性化法 activated sludge floc 活性污泥块 相似单词 sludge n. [U] 1. 烂泥,淤泥,烂泥状沉积物 2. 工业淤泥,工业矿泥,生活污物 process n.[C] 1.过程,进程 2.步骤,方法,工序 3.【印】照相制版法 4.【生】突起 5.【律】(诉讼)程序;传票 6.(时间等的)进行,推移 7...
activated sludge process 活性污泥法 网络释义 活性污泥法 生物膜法处理装置典型结构利用生物法处理废水的具体方法有活性污泥法、生物膜法等:(1)活性污泥法(Activated Sludge Process):污水生物处理的一种方法。该法是在人工充氧条件下,对污水和各种微生物群体进行连续混合培养,形成活性污泥。活性污泥工艺 ...
This entry describes the activated sludge process and reviews biological treatment with particular reference to the process. In the basic process, wastewater is aerated in a tank with a seed of microorganisms (the activated sludge, often referred to as the mixed liquor suspended solids, MLSS), ...
A typical Flow Sheet is given below depicting all components of Activated Sludge Process Aeration Methods: Diffused Aeration:Sewage liquor is run into deep tanks with diffuser grid aeration systems that are attached to the floor. Air is pumped through the blocks and the curtain of bubbles formed ...
The meaning of ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS is a sewage treatment procedure in which the decomposition of the raw sewage is hastened by the addition to it of biologically active sewage sludge.
1. The On-line Estimation of Oxygen Uptake Rate (OUR) of An Activated Sludge Process; 活性污泥处理过程中溶解氧吸收率的在线预估2) sludge handling process 污泥处理过程 例句>> 3) activated sludge process 活性污泥过程 1. The simulation and the model of activated sludge process reactor with ...
activated sludge process基本释义 活化碱渣处理专业释义 <海事> 活性污泥法 <造纸> 废水处理活性污泥法 <生态> 噪性污泥法 <商务> 活性污泥;活性污染法 <医学> 活性淤渣法;加菌淤渣法;活化污泥法大家的讨论 水利常见词汇(中英对照) 术语表: 1: abration resisting pump耐磨泵; 2: absorption pump吸收泵; 3...
[Process configuration]The three basic activated sludge process configurations in use are nominal plug-flow(PF);continuous flow stirred-tank(CFST);and batch.. Nominal PF is the most common. Mixing within the reactor is usually provided by the aeration system. The original activated sludge configura...
Activated sludgeprocess is an oxygen-dependent biological process; it serves to convert soluble organic matter to solid biomass, which can be removed by gravity or filtration (Thompson et al., 2001; Diez et al., 2002; Kostamo and Kukkonen, 2003; Elliott and Mahmood, 2012;Mahmood and Elliott...