使用pygetwindow 库,获取窗口window后可以通过window.activate()将窗口放到前台。 但在Jupyter Notebook 中调用这个方法始终会报错(https://github.com/asweigart/PyGetWindow/issues/16),目前看起来仍然没有解决。 以下是替代方案,不知道为什么但就是可用: window.minimize() window.restore()...
I am trying to confirm after the installation using the line import nilmtk as ntk that currently work on my laptop (I did create this environment in anaconda and running the code using jupyter notebook, but takes forever to train my data). Still no luck on my end :( https://colab....
Works fine in a cmd but when I run it on a Jupyter Notebook (Colab local runtime): import pyautogui pyautogui.getWindowsWithTitle('Code')[0].activate() VSCode flashes on the taskbar but never activated. Strangely if I focus the window fi...
Create an environment that includes Jupyter:conda create --name vscode-test notebook Open a folder with VSCode. Use the “Select Interpreter” command to activate the vscode-test environment. Use the “Create New Blank Jupyter Notebook” command. Add code to the first cell (for exam...
在jupyter notebook中同时安装python2和python3 anaconda的虚拟环境py36安装在指定路径(D:\Anaconda2\envs\py3),因此在安装ipykernel时,也需要指定安装。安装命令为 “conda install --prefix=D:\Anaconda2\envs\py3ipykernel”,如下: 然后激活py36的虚拟环境,输入命令:activateD:\Anaconda2\envs ...
This is actually affecting a error when using the jupyter extension: whenever I need to activate a virtual environment other than base in a notebook, the following command is used: . activate mech && echo etc. returning a command failed message saying: activate: No such file or directory. ...
Same problem after I updated Jupyter Notebook? The environment variable HOST becomesx86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 cathy@MacBookPro:~$sourceactivate py3 INFO: activate-gfortran_osx-64.sh made the following environmental changes: ... (py3) cathy@x86_64-apple-darwin13:~$sourcedeactivate INFO: deacti...
Create a new virtual environment in oop using python -m venv .venv Activate the .venv using .\.venv\Scripts\activate Create a new Jupyter Notebook file. Example oop.ipynb Using the Jupyter Notebook, select the kernel to use. ISSUE 1: It doesn't always work to select the .venv kernel...
“import notebook” C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\python.exe “c:\Users\Aren Cambre.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2020.8.101144\pythonFiles\pyvsc-run-isolated.py” jupyter kernelspec --version C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\python.exe “c:\Users\Aren Cambre.vscode\extensions\ms-python.pyt...
This is actually affecting a error when using the jupyter extension: whenever I need to activate a virtual environment other than base in a notebook, the following command is used: . activate mech && echo etc. returning a command failed message saying: activate: No such file or directory....