smartag:ActivateSmartAccessGateway Write SmartAccessGateway acs:smartag:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:smartag/{#SmartAGId} 无 无 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 SmartAGId string 是 智能接入网关实例 ID。 sag-ke3kq4evpi8p6*** RegionId string 是 智能接入网关实例所在的地域 ID。 cn-hangzhou 返回参数...
How to enable or disable the microphone switch on Samsung Smart TVs How to manage apps on your Samsung TV Access the Settings menu on your Samsung TV Is this content helpful? Yes No Contact Info Online Support There are a number of a different ways of contacting us via Live Chat, ...
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For example, you must maintain the reference count that determines when the type is deleted from memory.To simplify the use of the Windows Runtime, Windows Runtime C++ Template Library provides the smart pointer template, ComPtr<T>, that automatically performs reference counting. When you ...
Smart lock: Keep your phone unlocked in safe places How do I manage app recommendations? Software and updates Why has the function of my power button changed? How do I update the software over-the-air on my Nokia 8110? How can I check the operating system and software version on my Nok...
Runtime, Windows Runtime C++ Template Library provides the smart pointer template,ComPtr<T>, that automatically performs reference counting. When you declare a variable, specifyComPtr<interface-name>identifier. To access an interface member, apply the arrow member-access operator (->) to the...
Physical Memory: 16190 MB Vendor ID: 8086 Device ID: 3EA0 Device Revision: 02 Graphics Output Protocol (GOP) Version: 9.0.1085 Current Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz Processor Speed: 1992 MHz ...
Desktop folder under Quick Access links to C:\Users\Default\Desktop instead of the user's desktop folder Desktop Icons Position Registry Desktop loads but nothing will open. All programs hang as does trying to restart. device manager resources by connection memory interpretation Device Registrati... After that, please set-up the Intel® SMART Response Technology again: After that, please set-up the Intel® SMART Response Technology again: https://...