open an elevated console prompt (CMD) change directory to the folder where Office is installed (probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14 ) execute: cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey:AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE-FFFFF execu...
When you use Office 2010 Professional Plus, do you activate Office via MAK? Have you tried touninstall Office 2010 completelyand reinstalled? It's recommended to check the status of Office 2010 on your computer. Search CMD, right-click the Command Prompt and run as administrator. Then copy an...
If you bought Office Professional Plus, Visio Professional, or Project Professional through your employer's Microsoft Workplace Discount Program (formerly known as Microsoft Home Use Program) benefit, selectI don't want to sign in or create an account(at the bottom of the screen) and enter your...
✅ Activate Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010:Following the instruction and I got the Product Key to activate my Microsoft apps. The Product Key contains the N character and when I enterred it into...
If you bought Office Professional Plus, Visio Professional, or Project Professional through your employer's Microsoft Workplace Discount Program (formerly known as Microsoft Home Use Program) benefit, selectI don't want to sign in or create an account(at the bottom of the screen) and enter your...
This installation starts the Volume Activation Tools wizard and enables you to select the activation type, enter the Office 2013 KMS host key, and activate Office 2013. More Information Windows Server 2012 does not have the files that are required to activate an Office 2013 KMS host...
Open cmd as admin Step 1.2:Open location of the Office installed on your PC. cd /d %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16 cd /d %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16 If you install your Office in the ProgramFiles folder, the path will be “%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office...
Step 1:You open cmd (run by administrator) then you paste these codes: cd /d %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16 cd /d %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16 Then you enter. Step 2:You copy and paste this code to convert your Office 2019 retail license to volume one ...
🔑KMS_VL_ALL - Smart Activation Script. Contribute to billtenor/KMS_VL_ALL development by creating an account on GitHub.
在激活office 2010版本时有的同学可能会用到“mini-KMS_Activator”这个工具,其实这个工具激活成功率并不算高,我就没激活成功。然后就是了另一款自动激活工具“Office 2010 Toolkit”,不过会提示“Failed to inject memory!”,原因就是先前使... 解决方法 转载 mob604756edd67c 2015-05-08 11:25:00 216阅读...