If you are stuck on the activate mac page with no wifi bar in top right corner: You first hold down the power button until it turns off, Keep holding it do not let go until words pop up on the screen it will say something like "loading start up menu" keep holding the power button...
Activating a Mac without WiFi: A. See here: Activate Mac -- no WiFi menu to select network - Apple Community B. Use Ethernet: If you have access to Ethenet, then connect using that. this is the adapter you would need: The Belkin USB-C to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - Apple Reply User...
如果您的Mac电脑没有WiFi,可以通过以下几种方式连接互联网:1、通过有线网络连接:如果您的Mac电脑有网线接口,可以通过有线方式连接网络。将一个网线插入 Mac 电脑的以太网端口,然后将另一端插入路由器或网线插座中,就可以通过以太网方式连接网络。2、使用移动热点:如果您有手机或者其他支持无线热点功...
activatemac提示连接wifi 系统原因、州清网络原因。1、系统原因。activatemac提示连接wifi是系统故障导致的,是系统原因造成的,重新更改系统,等待恢复即可。2、网络原因。activatemac提示连接wifi是网络延册宏前迟卡顿导致的,是网络原因造成的,绝念重新更换网络即可。
No! The update was successful! The problem is when the Mac starts with 12.6 crashing while loading and crashing on the screen with the Apple logo and progression bar! So, the update was successful. Which means, your saw your cMP successfully booted to 12.6 desktop right after update? Then...
So I am not sure what is going on with the Mac Pro. Last edited: Nov 2, 2023 basslik macrumors 6502 Feb 22, 2008 483 107 Nov 7, 2023 #4,399 offdwall said: I had to make this change to get the stock WIFI card working using Martin’s 0.7.0 package. Click to expand....
It also has been list hci0 interface and show correct BT MAC address. I think you are using the combo firmware when you load Wi-Fi driver(modprobe moal mod_para=nxp/wifi_mod_para.conf), then BT firmware should also been load successfully. Usually we don't have Murata...
If you see a "No SIM card installed" message, click 'OK' and continue. - On iTunes - Download the latest iTunes version from Apple's official website. - Plug your iPhone device into a Windows or Mac computer with a lightning cord. - Once iTunes recognizes your phone, it will start...
In setup assistant after selecting country and signing into my WiFi my iPhone tries to activate. After a few seconds I get:"Unable to ActivateYour iPhone could not be activated because the activation server cannot be reached. Try connecting you iPhone to a Mac or a PC with iTunes to ...