I'm going to remove the template as this isn't a bug, but a question specific to Visual Studio Code (VSCode + Activation of Conda environments in Command prompt). Today our support for Conda Environments in the Python Extension for VS Code is fairly choppy, and we'd like to rectify thi...
We have two mirrors, one mirroringconda-forge(in full) and another mirroringmain(with a whitelist of selected packages). Our intent is to get most of the packages fromconda-forgeand a few others fromanaconda(specially the ones compiled withmklsupport for speed). So our channel list is: esss...
After adding\ \ \ \ \ \<anaconda_install_dir\>\condabin\ \ \ \toPATH, runningconda activate testshould be possible. Error when trying to use conda on vs code: conda, At line:1 char:1 + conda activate base + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (conda:String) [], CommandNotFoun...
conda env list conda activate your_env_name 如果你使用的是 virtualenv 或venv 创建的虚拟环境,确保你使用了正确的路径来激活环境。 bash # For virtualenv or venv on Unix/MacOS source /path/to/your/virtualenv/bin/activate # For virtualenv on Windows (in Command Prompt) C:\path\to\your\virtualen...
python、anaconda、conda 因此,我习惯于在启动python Anaconda环境时输入source activate <environment>。这很好用。但是当我创建新的conda环境时,我在Ubuntu16.04上看到了使用conda activate启动环境的消息。除了关于如何将我的shell设置为使用conda activate的错误之外,我仍然不清楚source activate ...和conda activate .....
如果不是使用Anaconda Prompt (Anaconda3)窗口,而是使用cmd窗口下conda activate xxx**某环境,可能报错: CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'. ... IMPORTANT: You may need to cl... 查看原文 Warning:This Python interpreter is in a conda ...
echo 语句确认行 conda activate snap_cluster_setup_py311 已执行。我已经尝试过:通过添加 .bashrc 命令确保 echo 的来源。 配置VS Code 的 settings.json 以显式使用 bash 和源 .bashrc: "terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": { "bash": { "path": "/bin/bash", "args": ["-i"] } }, ...
Make sure to update your path based on the output of theconda info --basecommand and specify the correct environment name when issuing theconda activatecommand. If you are on Windows and the error persists, search for"Anaconda Prompt", open the application and issue the commands i...
Win10下Anaconda使用conda activate报错Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate' 忘记截图了,总之,先以管理员身份打开cmd。 试一下conda activate 环境名称。 如果命令行提示 Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate’. 然后下面还提示 conda init <SHELL...
conda create --name my_envpython=3.8 Bash Copy And here’s how you can activate it: conda activate my_env Bash Copy In these commands,my_envis the name of the environment, and3.8is the Python version you want in that environment. ...