a) mynz_17_3过程遍历工作表并使用带参数的Select方法选中所有工作表。应用于Worksheet对象的Select方法的语法如下: Select(Replace) 参数Replace是可选的。如果该值为True,则用指定对象替代当前选定对象。如果该值为False,则延伸当前选定对象以包括任何以前选定的对象。 b) mynz_17_4过程使用Worksheets集合的Select方...
表达一个代表Worksheet对象的变量。 备注 调用此方法等效于选择工作表的 选项卡。 示例 此示例激活工作表 Sheet1。 VB Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate 支持和反馈 有关于 Office VBA 或本文档的疑问或反馈? 请参阅Office VBA 支持和反馈,获取有关如何接收支持和提供反馈的指南。
1. Activate a Worksheet on Opening 2. Activate a Worksheet and Hide all other Related Tutorials Let’s say you are working with multiple worksheets, and for you, it’s hard to navigate to a sheet using a tab. You can use a VBA code to activate any worksheet in this situation. To wri...
VBA Activate worksheet help us activate the specified worksheet. By using the select Activate sheet in VBA method, we can select multiple worksheets; whereas activate method will select only one worksheet at a time. Using the index number of the worksheet, we can select the worksheet based on ...
Method 4 – Activate Another Workbook with a Specific Worksheet in Excel VBA We will demonstrate an example where we will activate a workbook with a specific sheet by using a very convenient way. Copy the following code and paste it into the aboveModule. Click onRunto see the output. ...
表达式。激活表达 一个代表 Worksheet 对象的变量。备注调用此方法等效于选择工作表的 选项卡。示例此示例激活工作表 Sheet1。VB 复制 Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate 支持和反馈有关于 Office VBA 或本文档的疑问或反馈? 请参阅 Office VBA 支持和反馈,获取有关如何接收支持和提供反馈的指南。
Sh Required Object The activated sheet. Can be a Chart or Worksheet object.ExampleThis example displays the name of each activated sheet.VB Kopiraj Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) MsgBox Sh.Name End Sub Support and feedbackHave questions or feedback about Office VBA or...
Sh Required Object The activated sheet. Can be a Chart or Worksheet object.ExampleThis example displays the name of each activated sheet.VB Copy Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) MsgBox Sh.Name End Sub Support and feedbackHave...
1.本节课主要讲的是VBA基础-2.3Activate,本节课要讲的是将明细表产生透视表,后面还会产生修改的记录。 2.首先是选择透视表点击【开发工具】-【Visual Basic】,在点击透视表,模式选择Activate在代码处写上private sub worksheet_Activate() Sheets("透视表").pivotTables。