The drum and disc cost Rs 66,730 and Rs 69,730 each. Meanwhile, the rugged-looking Street Rally version is priced at Rs 70,730. Bajaj Pulsar 125 There are three motorcycles in this list, one of which is the Pulsar 125. Bajaj has priced the motorcycle at Rs 69,997 for the drum ...
Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India (HMSI), the company with a popular range of two-wheelers in India, has launched a new variant of its top scooter with Honda Activa 125. The all new 2014 Activa 125, that was first taken off the wraps at the Delhi Auto Expo this year,...
The latest addition to the most loved scooter in India, Honda Activa 6G, there are two different tyre sizes. The front tyre is of 90/90-12 54J and the rear tyre is of 90/100-10 53J. The scooter’s predecessors almost have a similar tyre size.Honda Activahas 90/100-10 in front an...
The Honda Activa Electric is expected to be introduced at a starting price of Rs 70000–Rs 80000 range. The EV could reach a range of up to 120–160 km. Subsidy purchases will cost less The subsidy provided by the state and federal governments makes purchasing this electric scooter in s...
Hence, there are no cranking noises and the engine comes to life in one touch of the electric start button. And thanks to the improved fuelling, the new Activa 125 is vibration-free even at its top speed of around 90kmph! But all this refinement comes at the cost of performance. The...
The BS-VI compliant Honda Activa 125 will cost 10-15% more than the BS-IV model. The BS-IV Honda Activa 125 starts at INR 60,627 (ex-showroom, Delhi). The BS-VI version will cost 10-15% more. Also Read: 5 Tips to get back to riding after a motorcycle crash ...