I realised that maybe in order to make it easier for myself I need to put each button in its own layer and insert the following actionscript code I've inserted for one of my buttons: stop() home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseClick); function mouseClick(event:MouseEvent):void...
Those two buttons work. One of them is a directions button that leads to the directions page. I have another button on my directions page that I want to go back to the title page, the scene with the two buttons. (By the way, I'm using ActionScript 2) The code...
"Learn how to add interactivity, playback control, and data display to applications with ActionScrip in Animate."
();6) Test your movie and see that it will stop instead of loop on the last frame.___Scripts Triggered by ButtonsScripts for buttons usually sit on the first frame of a movie so that the scripts will be globally applied to
method is provided because it is expected that the criteria for recognizing labels will differ from component to component. If you implement this method, you should aim to use geometric criteria similar to those in use inside the player code for buttons and textfields. Those criteria ...
4 在 buttons 图层之上创建一个新图层,并将其命名为 actions.这是将要在其中向应用程序添加 ActionScript 代码的图层. 创建和添加按钮 接下来,将实际创建和放置构成交互式应用程序中心的按钮. 要创建按钮并将其添加到 FLA,请执行下列操作: 1 使用绘图工具在 buttons 图层上创建第一个按钮 ("play" 按钮)的可视...
methodfortheRIGHT,MIDDLEandothermousebuttonsaswell,allowingyourlogictodetectthose events.ThevalueforLEFTis1,RIGHTis2andMIDDLEis3.Currently,upto16buttonsare supported.Forcompatibility,ifthefunctionisdeclaredtotakenoarguments,itwillonlybecalledfor theLEFTmousebutton,whichisidenticaltoFlash.Belowisanexampleofhowsuch...
So, if you use an auto scroll policy (the default), the scroll bar overlaps the buttons. To prevent this behavior, you can set the heightproperty for the HBox container or allow the HBox container to resize by setting a percentage-based width. Remember that changing the height of the ...
It allows you to reference XML data the same way you reference properties of other objects, such as movie clips or buttons, using a similar syntax. You’ll learn more about this in Chapter 14, but a simple example is referring to an XML node called phone, nested inside a node called ...
In ActionScript 1.0 and 2.0, you had many choices as to where to place your code: on the timeline, on buttons and movie clips, on the timeline of movie clips, in external.asfiles referenced with#include, or as external class files. ActionScript 3.0 is completely class-based, so all code...