The CEO’s role is crucial because no one else can broker across the multiple parties involved, which include the CIO, CTO, CFO, chief human-resources officer (CHRO), chief information security officer (CISO), and business-unit leads. As we explain in this article,...
East Asiabyvirtueofthis Ordinance shall,byvirtueonlyof this Ordinance, be entitled to participate in any pension or provident fund or schemes of or gratuity payments payable by Bank of East Asia, and no existing officer or employee of Bank of East Asia shall,byvirtueonlyof this ...
programme officer who can facilitate UNESCO’sactionsatthe countrylevelandrespond to emerging opportunities by alerting [...] 正如最有可能在马达加斯加和桑给巴尔岛实现的那样,需要 一名国家计划干事,这名干事能够促进教科文组织在国家一级的行动,通过提醒达累斯萨拉 姆办事...
As a police officer, I have seen life disappear in an instant. I realize that could happen to me at any time. Yet knowing that letter is there in my locker makes me more comfortable with my own death. Every day, when I open my locker, I see the letter. It makes me aware that I...
The proposed conversion, if implemented, would change the current situation where SE grade officers can only take up the control and enforcement responsibilities in the two EB Divisions up to the chief professional officer level; provide a level-playing field for the meritorious and competent SE gra...
Now,there are even more opportunities to show what you know by placing a Skills badge on your Profile.Rolled out a while back, Skills Assessments are used to verify specialized knowledge in software development, Microsoft Power BI, Adobe XD, and other areas. ...
a world where a single ‘correct’ solution is specified by privileged persons, such as a scientist, an influential politician, or a talented administrative government officer (…), but as a debatable, conflicting, and dilemmatic world (…) where multiple ‘viable solutions’ can coexist” [4]...
The complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Ohio in August, named Adam J. Harmon — the president and chief executive officer of both companies — as a defendant. The parties settled for a $2.8 million redress judgment and $157,683.37 civil penalty. ...
national strategy or coordinating agency responsible for addressing trafficking issues. Even though Ukraine, Bosnia and Croatia have designated a police officer or unit to deal with trafficking, but these are usually not coordinated with other judicial, social, or immigration agencies. (Gramenda, 2008...
“Like many companies in the industry, when the CentOS announcement came out we suddenly had a commercial product that we had a significant problem with,” Wind River’s chief technology officer Paul Miller told me in a recent interview. “We took a hard look at the market and the ope...