closes the mouth and protrudes the lips when kissing or whistling (kissing muscle) Zygomaticus major and minor raises the corner of the mouth when smiling (smiling muscles) Depressor anguli oris pulls the corners of the mouth inferiorly and laterally (depresses the angle of the mouth - frowning...
The main shoulder muscles are trapezius, deltoid, pectoralis major and 4 rotator cuff muscles: subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor. The list of muscles and their functions are presented below. Muscle attachments (origins, insertions) are described in the video at the bottom...
2.? In the latissimus dorsi, which is the antagonist of pectoralis major, a depressive effect was elicited by the stimulation of ipsilateral hindlimb nerves, and a facilitatory effect by contralateral stimulation. 3.? These effects were evoked mainly from group II afferent fibers in muscle as ...
tenses skin of neck Sternocleidomastoid flexes and laterally rotates the head Pectoralis Major prime movers of arm flexion; rotates arm medially; adducts arm Triceps brachii powerful forearm extensor Brachioridalis synergist in flexing forearm Gluteus maximus major extensor of thigh Iliopsoas (iliacus &...