我在创建带有"ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT“的PDF文件时遇到了问题。创建PDF文件仍然可以使用“公共无效onActivityResult”。然而,“公共无效的onActivityResult”最近已经被压抑。 现在我尝试用"ActivityResultLauncher“创建PDF文件。创建一个文件(0字节)。我注意到在创建文件时,没有跳转到try块(createDocument) (跳转捕捉)。如...
代码语言:javascript 复制 private static final int CREATE_FILE = 1; private void createFile() { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); intent.setType("application/txt"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE, "testfile.txt"); star...
react-native-create-document-android React Native Android module to use the intent ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT react react-native react-component android action create document action_create_document intent jjorda •1.0.4•9 months ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.0.4,9 months ago0dependents...
实际上,DocumentsContract.createDocument 方法本身并不直接打开文档树(ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE 是用于打开文档树的 Intent Action)。相反,它是用于在已打开的文档树或用户选择的目录中创建新文档的。如果需要在创建文档之前打开文档树,您需要先使用 ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE 来获取用户的目录选择,然后再使用 Documents...
ActionPriority - Specifies the priority level of the action. The possible values are Low, Medium, High, and Critical. The default value is Medium. This input only accepts values of type UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities.Actions.Model.DocumentActionPriority. ActionTitle - Specifies the title of the...
You're not really answering my questions. You can't write a script to create a new action set. So what I want to know is: 1. Why do you need a separate action and action set for each file? 2. Why can't you use just one action or script for what you ...
Next, I’ll show you how to create a sandboxed solution that provides a better user experience and is reusable across sites. The solution deploys both the list item and document set ribbon and scopes the custom action to just the document set content type. To get star...
When I use New on the ProjectDocuments library to create a new ProjectStatus document, everything works fine.The Actions details in SPD to create the new document is:Create item in...
Run JavaScript to remotely - from the command line - create, modify or export document content. This module can be used to automate the workflow by creating an action chain that can be executed without user intervention.More information about writing scripts for Adobe applications:...
CreateRuleAction 调用该接口在指定的规则下创建一个规则动作,定义将处理后的Topic数据,转发至物联网平台的其他Topic,或所支持的其他阿里云服务。 使用说明 服务地域不同,所支持的目标云产品有所不同。规则引擎支持的地域及目标云产品,请参见地域与可用区。