For structural graphs, we included nouns, pronouns, non-auxiliary verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Interjections, filled pauses, articles, and conjunctions (e.g., “yes”, “um”, and “then”) were excluded so as to capture tokens that contribute to verbal exchanges. The lemmatized form...
scheme for writing educational objectives that combines the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. EVALUATION Student appraises, assesses, or critiques on a basis of specific standards and criteria. Judge Recommend Critique Justify Appraise ...
bloom’s taxonomy action verbs(布鲁姆的分类行为动词).pdf,Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs Level Definition Sample verbs Sample behaviors Student recalls or arrange identify memorize recognize The student will define recognizes information, r
BPRS total scores were used as a measure for general psychopathology, in addition to its four factors describing anxiety/ depression, hostility/suspiciousness, thought disturbance and withdra- wal/psychomotor retardation24. Language pre-processing Utterance boundaries were determined manually based on ...