1.(Law)property law(formerly) an action brought by a wrongfully dispossessed owner seeking to recover possession of his land 2.the act of ejecting or state of being ejected; dispossession Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 19...
POSSESSORY ACTION, old Eng. law. A real action in which the plaintiff called the demandant, sought to recover the possession of lands, tenements, and hereditaments. On account of the great nicety required in its management, and the introduction of more expeditious methods of trying titles by ...
A chose in action refers to all personal rights to property which can only be claimed or enforced by an action and not by taking physical possession of the property. It is a right to recover something not in one’s possession. It is a right of which a person does not have present enjo...
Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. trespass - a wrongful interference with the possession of property (personal property as well as realty), or the action instituted to recover damages civil wrong, tort - (law) any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought continuing trespass -...
or a right to demand it by action at law, and which does not exist at the time in specie; a personal right to a thing not reduced to possession, but recoverable by suit at law; as a right to recover money due on a contract, or damages for a tort, which can not be enforced agai...
Defendants are guilty of malice, fraud and/or oppression. Defendants’ actions were malicious and done willfully in conscious disregard of the rights and safety of Plaintiff in that the actions were calculated to injure Plaintiff. As such Plaintiff is entitled to recover, in addition to actual dam...
An Adversary proceeding should be filed to recover from the miscreants the marital property interests stolen from this elderly couple and to recover damages for the serious breach of trust demonstrated by the judges who abandoned their public trust and became co-conspirators with the guardian and ...
11 And it is easy to imagine that internal conflicts over whether to settle could emerge in light of the provisions requiring substantial payment back to the funder, which would naturally motivate the attorneys to hold out for settlements that are high enough to ensure that they could recover ...
Some three weeks after the rescue of 149 dogs in China from the horrendous meat trade, the dogs remaining are attempting to recover from their terrible ordeal. Unfortunately, we have not been able to save them all given the sick and diseased state many arrived in, and with the dreadful ...
In the Vinayas, intention (the monk’s motivations while committing an act), action (the action that the monk carried out), and outcome (the effect of this action on others) are generally understood to be the three factors that affect the sanctioning principles. Intention is considered the ...