source-port 500 destination-port 500 service1 protocol udp source-port 4500 destination-port4500\ security- Policy rule name nat_traversalsource-zone local source-zone untrustdestination-zone local destination-zone untrustservice nat_traversal action permit 若其他配置都正确,则通讯双方能正常建立IPSec VPN...
yum install bash-completion -y 否则报错: -bash: _get_comp_words_by_ref: command not found 2.执行bash_completion source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion 3.加载kubectl completion echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc # 在您的 bash shell 中永久的添加自动补全 source...
Isocyanate-free polyurethane resins biosourced to a very high percentage level were prepared by the reaction of aminated mimosa tannin extract with commercial mimosa tannin extract prereacted with dimethyl carbonate. The reaction took place with ease at ambient temperature. Indications were that the...
🤣 sudo iptables -nL -t nat # 主要看DOCKER-INGRESSIngress Network的数据包走向详情(后面补充)DockerStack部署wordpressCompose file *version 3 *deploy *endpoint_mode vip | dnsrr ,默认是 vipdocker node ls docker stack # 看一下帮助信息Wordpress准备一下 stack.yml...
3、安装依赖包(确保3.2 NAT网络配置完成,可以尝试在1808上sudo ping确认是否可以访问外网) 1808计算棒默认已安装rknn_api库。 sudo dnf clean all sudo dnf install -y cmake make复制代码 4、编译 cd mobilenet_ssd mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make -j4复制代码5、开机自启动,...
注意:以下必须操作,否则经过旁路由的设备没网 容器 OpenWrt 的相关设置 接口 网络 > 接口 > 修改 忽略此接口 (勾选)> 保存&应用 防火墙 网络 > 防火墙 基本设置 > 启用FullCone-NAT(勾选) > 转发 - 接受 > 保存&应用 (以上搬运于 详细设置可参考 https://mlapp...
年份: 2011 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 EBSCO 相似文献CHANNEL IS KEY TO ACETAMINOPHEN'S ACTION Acetaminophen exerts its pain-relieving effects with help from a cation channel protein called TRPA1, according to studies conducted in rodents (Nat. Commu... ...
Ground water is a major source of public supply for the rural population and in some areas, it is only source of available water. It is well known the toxic action of nitrate upon organisms, by formatting methemoglobin and N-nitroso comp... Ecaterina Niţuc,V Năstase,G Mihăilescu,....