Directed by Lewis Gilbert, this film combines thrilling action sequences both on Earth and in outer space with exotic locales such as Venice and Rio de Janeiro for an unforgettable cinematic experience that has etched its place among action movies based on books. Released: 1979 Directed by: ...
A fabulous final sequence finds the events of the film heading to a Giants game at the historic Candlestick Park and finally a showdown at Alcatraz Island. These trimmings are so necessary to fans anticipating the juicy and pulsating locales of the populous city. No, Eastwood is not the great...
Capitalizing on the American movie-going audience’s love for exotic locales,Tangieris a somewhat confusing adventure/espionage film that’s nevertheless perfectly watchable lowbrow escapism. It stars Robert Paige as Paul Kenyon, a down and out reporter and Maria Montez, as Rita, a nightclub dancer...
Rumble in the jungleThe ’80s were full of movies involving humans battling malevolent alien lifeforms in isolated locales, and usually, they had a hook that went deeper than the action – think the intense paranoia of The Thing, or Alien’s feminist underpinnings. With John McTiernan’s ‘...
The film continues like this for a while, with bloody (and often funny) action interrupted only briefly by Wick begging old allies to assist him as the walls continue to close in around him. But the allies who want to help can’t, and those who can don’t want to unless they’re ...
As a child (who has done something “naughty”) enters and the Santa figure springs to life, slowly setting his eyes locked onto the child, ready to pounce on him. The audience is ahead of the characters on what’s going on, but only so slightly. We become afraid for what will ...
Are you ready for some action? Good! BecauseFinal Fantasy VII Rebirthhas plenty of action, and unlike the first entry in the remake saga, this one isn’t going to hold you back! What do we mean by that? Well, the newly released entry won’t have huge party restrictions on you. Inst...
aAdventure films are usually exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales, very similar to or often paired with the action film genre. They can include traditional swashbucklers, serialized films, and historical spectacles (similar to the epics film genre), searches or expeditions for ...
We will be taking some much needed rest this weekend, and are coming back ready to kick some bug ass next week. You've helped us make sure Enshrouded is off to a great start. We'll be back next week for the next step of the journey! Thanks, The Keen Team. Read full story...
One of the Ubisoft franchises is back viaThe Prince of Persia: The Lost Crownand a new tale is ready for you to partake in! The game puts you as Sargon, a prodigy who has become part of the prince’s guard of well-trained warriors. ...