Contract Item or “Contract Items” means the list of items identified in Section Indemnified Items shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2(b). Installation Charges means those Charges set out in the Order in relation to installation of the Service and/or any Purchased Equip...
The formal name for each specific task is an action item. Creating a ''to do'' or action item list helps people organize their tasks and meet their personal goals. Everyone can benefit from creating an action item list, but they are especially useful in business....
The meaning of CAUSE OF ACTION is the grounds (such as violation of a right) that entitle a plaintiff to bring a suit. How to use cause of action in a sentence.
Verb + what you’re going to do + so that / in order to In this formula, the verb is your action, what you're going to do is your aspiration, and the phrase "so that" or "in order to" is your meaning. Note Example: Deliver an essential product in order to delight customers an...
futurism - the position that the meaning of life should be sought in the future cutting edge, forefront, vanguard - the position of greatest importance or advancement; the leading position in any movement or field; "the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England";...
Corrective actions are applied at Huiyi when the specific meaning of each word is known when translating; otherwise, there will be ambiguity. Game Updates and Patches Before players even attempt to open a game for the first adaptation, Huiyi makes sure translation of game updates and game patches...
Although both employee wellbeing and performance are valued by organizations, achieving them conjointly is not simple in practice. Prior studies have highl
actionplanitem actionplantemplate actionplantemplateitem actionplantemplateitemvalue actionplantemplateversion activescratchorg activityhistory activitymetric additionalnumber address agentwork agentworkskill aiinsightaction aiinsightfeedback aiinsightreason aiinsightvalue airecordinsight allowedem...
Verb + what you’re going to do + so that / in order to In this formula, the verb is your action, what you're going to do is your aspiration, and the phrase "so that" or "in order to" is your meaning. Note Example: Deliver an essential product in order to delight customers an...
The promise of innovation in humanitarian contexts has generated an expanding literature, from academics as well as practitioners. However, the field has become characterised by conceptual ambiguity and insular approaches, inhibiting the integration of f