Centre for Health Promotion Studies - School of Public Health, and Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, TG6 2T4, Canada Ronald C Plotnikoff School of Public Health, K25 - Medical Foundation Building, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, 2006,...
For the website for the Canadian Climate Institute, and access to its reports such as, The Big Switch to Clean Energy: Powering Canada’s Net Zero Future, and, Annual Report 2022-23: https://bit.ly/44tcXb3 https://bit.ly/44xjvWg Great Horned Owlets in Edmonton April 2023 Photo credi...
referred to people who use substances. Articles tended to use the term “drug users”, for example: “How manydrug userswho OD’d have brain damage? Doctors say Canada needs data” [42], and “Fighting a scourge in Vancouver: Determined to stop overdoses in Downtown Eastside, advocate for...
Lighting and Crime Prevention: The Edmonton Project; Middlesex Polytechnic: London, UK, 1988. [Google Scholar] Painter, K.; Farrington, D.P. The crime reducing effect of improved street lighting: The Dudley project. In Situational Crime Prevention: Successful Case Studies; Harrow and Heston: New...
Creating New Urban Spaces of Sustainability and Governmentality: An Assessment of the Development of a Food and Urban Agriculture Strategy for Edmonton, Canada; Emerald Group Publishing Limited: Bingley, UK, 2014; Volume 14, pp. 191–214. 43. Sanyé-Mengual, E.; Orsini, F.; Gianquinto, G....