actioner: n. 动作片;情节剧;双语例句:The actioner movie had a lot of explosions and fight scenes.爆炸和打斗场面让这部动作片更加精彩。inaction:n. 不活动;不作为;无行动;双语例句:Even our inaction is a form of action.不行动是行动的一种形式。reaction
(Yes, Jenkin, not Jenkins | "all the fire burns, car hits, anything parkour-like") Ben discovered Parkour and Freerunning in 2005 when he watched a documentary called "Jump Britain". He was immediately drawn in, went out with his friends the next day and began his journey in the advent...
The glut of action movies in the 1990s created a wellspring of car chases, helicopter explosions, and shootouts that range from absolutely ridiculous to completely bonkers. Great scenes don't necessarily have to come from great movies, and all of these awesome '90s action scenes are s...
Action games on sale – Shop these 90 items and explore Microsoft Store for great apps, games, laptops, PCs, and other devices.
Byline: Cara SimpsonA PETITION bearing more than 200 signatures against roadside car sales has been delivered to Coventry City Council.It took Steve Bowen, of Stoke, just three days to collect 210 names calling for the council to introduce a bylaw making it illegal to repeatedly sell single ...
For Sale Any takers? Cool Old Cars: Crimestoppers Car Show in Grand Junction Colorado Howlin’ Wolf Garage LLC via YouTube SS You don't see muscle like this everyday. Cool Old Cars: Crimestoppers Car Show in Grand Junction Colorado
The district officer chases Wing’s car (part of the sequence still left to be seen). Police helps to catch Wing and his ruffians also. Double chance (โชคสองชั้น) for the district officer as he catches Wing and also Wally, who becomes his wife....
causa,lawsuit,suit,case,cause- a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy; "the family brought suit against the landlord" law,jurisprudence- the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; ...
2003 ending uponclient determination.The Clientchooses monthly module determinedby both partiesone monthin advance • 100% of thatpayment is dueon the 1st of each month andpresentation of Invoice• Topay forall expenses forservices renderedwhich may include:air travel,car rental, hotel, food, ...
Facing her, he wished for the leveling effect of the car seat and cursed his idea to invite her there. His mouth came below her collar bone. He might have chickened out if Libba hadn’t pulled the chair from underneath the workbench and sat down to work on his zipper. Standing over ...