Public policy advocacy is a foreign topic to many behavior analysts. However, each professional within the field has a voice and skills helpful in ensuring that the field’s growth aligns with best practices. This article outlines pertinent areas of public policy advocacy and calls to action for...
Kinesics is the term coined in the study of bodily movements according to Birdwhistell (1952;1970), which investigates and interprets nonverbal behavior (Ekman and Friesen,1969),Footnote5such as facial expression (Raman and Singh,2006),Footnote6gestures (Andersen,1999),Footnote7posture (Pearse and...
Finally, this study is an area-level analysis; we are not testing hypotheses about the determinants of individual behavior or outcomes. Rather, we are examining the relationships between community characteristics and community outcomes. Further, while we report the association between changes in ...
Finally, this study is an area-level analysis; we are not testing hypotheses about the determinants of individual behavior or outcomes. Rather, we are examining the relationships between community characteristics and community outcomes. Further, while we report the association between changes in ...
Nana Firman: My name is Nana Firman, and I am a Climate Reality Leader. In my life journey, I realized that our behavior and consumption habits have contributed in environmental degradation and have resulted in global warming. However, I believe that people grow spiritually through a strong rel...
Participants are recruited from various neighborhood sites (i.e., community centers and churches) located throughout the large metropolitan area of Houston, Texas. During participant recruitment at each of the neighborhood sites, the research staff is available to explain the smoking cessation study ...
profile for ASPD, which includes lying, manipulating others, enjoying others' suffering, and being aggressive and charming. If Vick has ASPD, the NFL needs to know. That's because people who have ASPD cannot be truly remorseful and are likely to repeat the anti-social behavior that pleases ...
to describe various kinds of research carried out by practitioners [57,58]. This investigational approach, which in the past was commonly found mainly in education and teaching research, is now an accepted method in various fields such as social work, organizational behavior, healthcare, public he...