100 miles southwest of Johannesburg, are suffering from hunger and dehydration, according to police. Industry experts say the zama zamas are often the lowest-level workers for largercriminal gangsthat ultimately sell the gold abroad. Those who have ...
“Shit, shit, shit!” Mike unsnapped his web-belt medical kit, careful not to spill his precious collection of tampons in the dirt. Rare as gold in this part of the world, they were ideal for plugging bullet wounds, but of less use against cat scratches. He laid the tampons lengthwise...
President Kagame, my dear friend, recognizes the power of women to build, to give life. Today, Rwanda has 50% of all ministerial positions filled by women, just like in Ethiopia. It has 61% of its parliamentarians being women — the highest in the world. Fou...
Several examples of how integrated ND control supports the MDGs are listed below: De-worming cost-effectively improves the nutritional status of poor children, contributing to the goal of Eradication of Hunger (MDG-1)[22–25], and combines well with vitamin A supplementation. De-worming improve...