Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa 猕猴桃科猕猴桃属 别名:猕猴桃 花期:5-6月 美味猕猴桃也是水果市场上最常见的猕猴桃,国内较多栽培,也有进口的。主要特点是果实椭圆形,柔毛细而多,果肉绿色。猕猴桃属植物雌雄异株,国外多次引种,都未能成功。1904年,新西兰女教师伊莎贝尔将美味猕猴桃的种子带到新西兰,进行种植,...
The most commercialized kiwifruit,Actinidia chinensisvar.deliciosa(Acd), is an allohexaploid (2n=6x=174), making high-quality assemblage genome challenging. We previously discovered a rare naturally occurring diploidAcdplant. Here, chromosome-levelde novogenome assembly for this diploidAcdwas reported, ...
chinensis, A. deliciosa and A. eriantha15 were mapped to the genome assembly using BLASTN. To identify heterozygous sites, reads from all four short-insert (insert size ⩽500 bp) Illumina paired-end libraries were aligned to the kiwifruit genome sequences using BWA42. Only read pairs ...
chinensis var. deliciosa) in Japan in 1989 [17], and it has since been reported in China [18], Korea [19], Italy [20] and Iran [21]. Due to its high transmission ability, bacterial canker has gradually become a pandemic-scale disease with symptoms of woody-tissue canker, leaf spots,...
chinensis var. chinensis A. deliciosa var. deliciosa A. de/iciosa var. chlorocarpa A. eriantha var. eriantha A. eriantha f. alba A. fulvicoma var. fulvicoma A. grandifiora A. guilinensis A. hubeiensis A. latifolia var. latifolia A. liangguangensis A. lijiangensis A. sracifolia A....
A kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) natural sex mutant is described. The bud mutation occurred in a mature male vine and caused a gender change from male to female. The mutant (ser, sex reversal) carries apparently perfect flowers, with well-developed ovary and styles, but produces pollen that ...
deliciosa, and A. deliciosa with A. chinensis var. chinensis were classified into two clusters, but nearby on the dendrogram (Huang et al. 2002). Similarly, clustering based on SGE method allowed to group A. arguta cultivars in one cluster, with the level of similarity between cultivars ...
MRS: Maorenshen, a wild germplasm from Actinidia valvata Dunn; ML: Miliang-1, a cultivar from Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa (A.Chev.) A.Chev. Values are means ± SE (n = 4). Different letters indicate statistically significant differences at p < 0.05. 2.4. The Effect of ...
Kiwifruit belonging to the Actinidiaceae family is a perennial, dioecious vine called ‘the king of fruits’ due to its considerably nutritious and sweet characteristics.A. chinensiscomplex, including two main groups,A. chinensisvar.chinensisandA. chinensisvar.deliciosa, is a major component ofActini...
Kiwifruit cultivars (Actinidia chinensis and A. deliciosa) generally have fruit with yellow or green flesh when ripe. A small number of genotypes also have red pigments, usually restricted to the inner pericarp but varying in intensity and in distribution within the fruit. Carotenoids, chorophylls...