immediately priortotheiracceptanceofthePrivateco Offer), neither WTPIL, Wing Tainorparties actinginconcert with any of them had other [...] 除以實物方式分派、永泰將其持有之全部私人公司股份轉讓予永泰地產投資之集團內部轉讓,以 及有關私人公司要約下51,690,00...
Caroline played the leading role of the Baker’s Wife in our production of Into the Woods. After graduating high school, she headed toCatawba Collegewhere she earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre. During her educational career, she performed in 17 productions. She was awarded Be...
However in nearly every aspect the idea of general concert had driven away to the new reality of rival groups,eachacting withconcert but in hostility to one another. 然而﹐一般意義上的「協調」 (concert)﹐從任何一方面而言皆已被放棄﹐取而代之的﹐是新的敵對集團的出現。
cells Article The SOS Error-Prone DNA Polymerase V Mutasome and β-Sliding Clamp Acting in Concert on Undamaged DNA and during Translesion Synthesis Adhirath Sikand 1, Malgorzata Jaszczur 2, Linda B. Bloom 3, Roger Woodgate 4 , Michael M. Cox 5 and Myron F. Goodman 1,2,* 1 ...
Such a relocalization has been reported for other ITAFs, including PTB and poly r(C) binding protein 1 (PCBP1; also known as hnRNPE) that act in concert to activate the Bcl-2-associated athanogene 1 (BAG1) IRES in response to chemotoxic stress [110]. Also, nucleolin is translocated ...