Infrequently dosed, longer-acting antiretroviral agents are making adherence to medication easier, leading to better outcomes for those living with HIV or at risk of infection. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature ...
HIV, preexposure prophylaxis, cost-effectiveness, South Africa, long-acting agentsBackground. For young South African women at risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is one of the few effective prevention options available. Long-acting injectable P...
hypoglycaemic agent,hypoglycemic agent- any of various agents that decrease the level of glucose in the blood and are used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
The HPTN 083 study recently demonstrated that long-acting ARV monotherapy agents such as CAB-LA can effectively reduce the rate of HIV-1 acquisition14. In the present study, we investigated whether a single administration of the capsid inhibitor GS-CA1 could provide long-term protection from ...
However many you study, you need to know that first of all as an actor, you are a free-lance professional and as such, you must sell yourself in a positive way to your 'customers' (casting directors, agents, directors, producers, etc.)...
Human volunteer infection studies may be conducted to further inform on the prophylactic activity and minimum efficacious concentration of the new agents. Exposure–response analyses of these studies may be used to support the dosing justification (doses and dosing regimen) and possibly to demonstrate ...
KWAZULU-Natal (South Africa)PEOPLE with schizophreniaATTITUDE (Psychology)SCHIZOPHRENIAPATIENTS' attitudesSCHIZOAFFECTIVE disordersANTIPSYCHOTIC agentsNEUROLEPTIC malignant syndromeBackground: Patient attitudes to and satisfaction with their treatment are associated with improved adher...
[98]. Despite guidelines that encourage LAI antipsychotic prescription based on patient preference at all stages of illness, provider misperceptions persist that LAIs are non-first-line agents to be reserved for patients with severe or resistant illness [99]. This misunderstanding creates an ...
Global efforts aimed at preventing human immunodeficiency virus type one (HIV-1) infection in vulnerable populations appear to be stalling, limiting our ability to control the epidemic. Long-acting, controlled drug administration from subdermal implants
Control of gene expression in trypanosomes Luc VanhammeEtienne Pays Microbiological reviews Jun 1995 Trypanosomes are protozoan agents of major parasitic diseases such as Chagas' disease in South America and sleeping sickness of humans and nagana disease of cattle in Africa. They are transmitted to ma...