Method People diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and significant AA symptoms living in care homes were asked to wear an actigraphy watch (GENEactiv Original) for 4 consecutive weeks. Demographic data, Functional Assessment Staging Tool (FAST) score, behavioural symptom pattern and severity were ...
Watch_PAT data were analyzed with an automated computerized algorithm which calculated the frequency of respiratory events per hour of actigraphy measured sleep using a combination of peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT) signal attenuation, desaturation on pulse oximetry, and changes in heart rate. This ...
Actigraphyinvolves the use of a portable device, the size of a large wristwatch, to record movement over time in the form of activity counts.1Adoption of the device in research was limited until its precision improved in the 1980s.2Actigraphyis a reliable and valid instrument to assess sleep...
ResultsThe actigraph watch was well tolerated by our patients, producing adequate data for analysis for 128 out of 133 test days (96.2%). The results indicated reasonable concordance between actigraph and sleep questionnaire data in the present sample. Patient satisfaction with sleep (question 11) ...
Details concerningactigraphymethods appear inChapter 171. Actigraphy is a noninvasive method for monitoring human rest-activity cycles. Actigraphs record activity using accelerometers usually mounted in a wristwatch-like device. Actigraphy is used in circadian rhythm research and in sleep disorders centers...
An actigraph is a small wristwatch-like device that collects data about movement and velocity as the participant follows their normal routine. Typically worn around the nondominant wrist by adolescents and older children, and around an ankle by infants and toddlers, the actigraph's accelerometer ...
Participants completed two surveys per day over four weeks to measure day-time PTSD symptoms (i.e. PTSS and number of intrusions) and night-time sleep subjectively, while wearing an actigraphy watch to measure sleep objectively.Results: Linear mixed models revealed that subjectively reported sleep ...
The Actiwatch, a small 'wristwatch' device, uses actigraphy, a technology based on the principle of movement detection, to assess sleep quality. It can be attached to a child and set to record details of movement at regular intervals. We sought to determine whether the Actiwatch is able to...
Participants also wore an actigraphy watch and completed sleep diaries for seven days, which were averaged for actigraphic indices of total sleep time, sleep efficiency, wake after sleep onset, and self-reported sleep quality and restfulness. Results Individuals with TMJD reported higher pain ...
watch set-up to watch first wear; the time from final watch removal (study end) to end of recording; any times during the study period when the watch was removed, which were identified first by consulting the diaries, and then through visual inspection for any undocumented watch removal ...