const waitForComponentToPaint = async (wrapper: any) => { await act(async () => { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); wrapper.update(); }); }; Usage: it('should do something', () => { const wrapper = mount(<MyComponent ... />); waitForComponentToPaint(wra...
applies an underlyingactcall import{render,screen}from"@testing-library/react";import{MemoryRouter}from"react-router-dom";importAppfrom"./App";test("renders welcome message",async()=>{render(<App/>,{wrapper:MemoryRouter});// use findByText method which is asyncconstwelcomeMessage=awaitscreen.fin... Yolact Yolact是用在做instance segmentation的工具。官网链接。相比与经典的MASK-RCNN,其MASK的质量更高,更贴近物体原本的轮廓。但是Yolact1版本的mAP稍低,第二版本的高一些。我在Yolact 的ROS wrapper里提供的功能是每接收一张图片,在进行分割之后,输出黑白图片,...
Flat, brittle products such as biscuits have cut-outs to act as finger holds to aid their extraction from tight wrapperA stack of biscuits (2) is enclosed by a foil wrapper (1). Cut-outs (3) with a tangential dimension of about 20mm enable a finger to be inserted. Cut-outs are ...
deleteSecret("secret1"); // you clear all the secrets that you had previously defined act.clearSecret(); Env You can define, delete and clear env variables that will be used by act when you execute a run. The method setGithubStepSummary is quick wrapper to set the GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY ...
This is a C# wrapper for Unity to use libcurl with http/2 and openssl enabled. - 91Act/curl-unity
This is a C# wrapper for Unity to use lz4 compress frame. Install Copy Assets/lz4-unity/lz4.cs to the Unity project Assets/lz4-unity. Copy all the files under build/Plugins to Unity project Assets/Plugins. Build cmake is required Under build folder there are: Build for macO...
gradle/wrapper gradle-wrapper.jar slidetoact .gitignore .travis.yml LICENSE build.gradle circle.yml gradlew gradlew.bat settings.gradleBreadcrumbs slidetoact /gradle/...
You can define, delete and clear secrets that will be used by act when you execute a run. The method setGithubToken is quick wrapper to set the GITHUB_TOKEN env variable. let act = new Act(); // setSecret returns back the object act = act.setSecret("secret1", "value1"); // yo...