SAT,全名为Scholastic Aptitude Test,即“学业能力倾向测验”,是一项由美国大学理事会(College Board)主办的标准化学术能力水平考试,也被称为美国的高考。由Educational Testing Service(ETS)负责出题和阅卷。 SAT的总分为1600分,由阅读(400分)、...
具体而言,Grade A至少为80%,B至少为70%,C至少为60%,D至少为50%,E至少为40%,U表示不及格。 A-Level是英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程。此外,GCSE作为A-Level的前置课程,实际上也是国际普通初级中学毕业文凭,适合作为体制内学生转向国际课程的过渡。 在中国,A-Level和GCSE考...
SAT:学业能力倾向测试 SAT,全名为Scholastic Aptitude Test,即“学业能力倾向测验”,是一项由美国大学理事会(College Board)主办的标准化学术能力水平考试,也被称为美国的高考。由Educational Testing Service(ETS)负责出题和阅卷。 SAT的总分为1600分,由阅读(400分)、文法(400分)和数学(800分)三个部分组成。其中,数...
如果你要用于申请美国大学,五年或者更长时间的SAT成绩的被认可度应该是被打折扣的,所以尽量选择申请前两年内的成绩。 例如想申请美本的同学,最早可以在初三或者高一时(即美高的Grade 9或Grade 10)开始准备,尽早考到满意的分数,也可...
Be sure to print out your ticket to the test center after you register, as you'll need it to take the ACT. When to Take the ACT The ACT can be taken as early as grade six. However, most students take the test for the first time during the spring of their junior year. Scores are...
ACT(American College Test)ACT考试与SAT考试均被称为“美国高考”,它们既是美国大学的入学条件之一,...
Stewart, Sharon
She had just gotten back her score on the ACT test. It was not what she had hoped for. In fact, it was not even close to the expectations she had and what she thought her 4.0 grade point average would help her score on the ACT test. The worst part was that she knew that she ...
·Grade A (卓越) 作文卷面分26分及以上,对应标准分140分 ·Grade B (优秀) 作文卷面分23分及以上,对应标准分133分 ·Grade C (通过) 作文卷面分18分及以上,对应标准分120分 ·Level A1 作文卷面分12分及以上,对应标准分100分 4. KET 口语部分 ...
You must note that the conversion scale, set by the ACT, is almost the same for every test; however, there may be slight differences depending on the difficulty level of the test. For example, a raw score of 38 on the Science test may earn you a scaled score of 36 on some versions...