Substance abuse treatmentCalifornia's voter-initiated Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act (SACPA) mandated a large-scale criminal justice policy shift, offering community-based, court-monitored treatment for non-violent drug-involved adult offenders in lieu of incarceration. In this article, we ...
The passage of the federal Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA), which calls for timely permanency planning for children placed into state foster care systems, has led to increased attention to the need for timely and appropriate treatment services to families with substance abuse issues who are...
Since 1980, Germaine Lawrence has treated teenage girls for problems such as running away, suicidal thoughts and gestures, substance abuse, aggressive behaviors, sexual exploitation, eating disorders, and truancy. Over the years, one of the most resistant problems to treatment has been sexual exploita...
4. Vilardaga et al., (Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2011) This was a cross-sectional survey with nearly 700 addiction counsellors working in substance abuse treatment centres in the USA. Results indicated that burnout was more strongly associated with psychological flexibility than other wel...
A trial funded by the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which evaluates the use of services by patients with serious and chronic mental illness, according to different types of case management.ActA written ordinance or mandate by Congress, Parliament or other ...
the inmate’s program needs (e.g., substance abuse treatment, educational/vocational training, individual and/or group counseling, medical/mental health treatment), and various administrative factors (e.g., institution bed space capacity; the inmate’s release residence; judicial recommendations; sep...
Health-related information, such as mental health records, substance abuse treatment records, genetic information, etc. Any other information that can identify an individual and relates to their health It's important to note thatPHI doesn't include "de-identified" health information. De-identified ...
Home Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy Article Awareness and knowledge of the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act among people at risk of witnessing an overdose in British Columbia, Canada: a multi-methods cross sectional studyResearch Open access Published: 25 May 2022 ...
He is an innovative problem-solver and the choice of many treatment centers and mental health professionals who often refer families of their clients to him. If your loved one is suffering from substance abuse issues, Joe Considine can help you choose the right solution to protect their best ...
Rehabilitation Required Russia's Human Rights Obligations To Provide Evidence Based Drugs Dependence Treatment an extensive system of state substance abuse clinics that offer services for alcohol and drug dependence and has, in the past few years, invested considerable funds into the development of rehab...