1,过去两年之内没有在澳大利亚其他州学习或生活过 这种情况下,需要申请人完成CERTIFICATE III以上的CRICOS注册课程,课程至少时长40周,而且目前在堪培拉指定的skilled occupation工作(职业在ANZSCO 1-4打头的职业,并不需要提名职业),PART TIME工作需要提供2份PAYSLIPS。 2,如果过去两年有在澳大利亚其他州生活或学习过 这...
那么在这个疫情的过渡期之后 因为疫情所以临时调整的州担申请基本要求;以及临时设立的关键职业清单Critical Skilled Occupation List 到底会不会发生变化? 答案是,目前政策应该会持续到2022年 我们就上述问题专门邮件联系了堪培拉的州担项目负责人Julianne,得到的回复如下: Julianne的意思是,联邦对于各州能够邀请的职业的限定...
过去两年没在外州居住过:在ACT住满12个月 + 在ACT毕业 + 在ACT有Skilled工作(全职兼职皆可,无需...
过去两年没在外州居住过:在ACT住满12个月 + 在ACT毕业 + 在ACT有Skilled工作(全职兼职皆可,无需...
链接:Skilled visa - ACT nomination 来源:堪培拉移民局 ACT州担保政策和邀请的细节倒是有部分调整: 01ACT的关键职业清单会每4个月评估一次,下次清单变化预计在6月份; 02州担保190和491分别发放邀请,根据Matrix分数高低顺序来邀请; 03在递交Matrix前明确规定需要在堪培拉地区居住(491,3个月)/(190/6个月) ...
提名职业在新州190担保职业清单(NSW 190 Priority Skilled Occupation List)上。 分数较高的申请人可以提名某些特定职业。 新州对于毕业生没有特定的要求,新州政府会根据提名职业,从高分到低分发放邀请。 至于西澳就不说了,本财年到现在一个190和489都没有担保... 结语 ...
1 must be a medium to large Australian enterprise (50 plus employees) activelytrading in Canberra.2 cannot be trading from a home, online or serviced office.3 must have a genuine need to employ an overseas skilled worker.4 must demonstra...
it has been necessary for the desired occupation to appear on the so-called positive list as a “shortage occupation”. In the past, this often prevented the immigration of qualified skilled workers. The positive list is compiled every six months by the Federal Ministry ...
14. The practice of skilled handicraft or as a specialist 15. Other activities as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations. Section 35 :The Director General or the competent official deputized by the Director General shall have the authority to permit the alien , who entered to stay temporarily ...
Plumbers are skilled and specialised trades, experienced in all facets of domestic water and waste systems. But don’t just hire any plumber – hire a great plumber. A plumber who will work to the highest of standards, doing so safely, effectively, and relatively affordably. And the best ...