More than 1 million students took the ACT in 2009, obtaining an average score of 21.1. Average scores vary by state, with the highest average test scores in 2009 in Massachusetts (23.6) and Connecticut (23.3) and the lowest scores in Florida (19.8) and Mississippi (18.9). The majority of...
Average ACT Score (2022) for Students by StateState Avg. Composite Score Alabama 18 Louisiana 18.1 Mississippi 17.8 Nevada 17.3 Tennessee 18.6 Wyoming 19.2 Kentucky 18.6 North Dakota 19.2 Montana 19.3 Nebraska 19.4 Oklahoma 17.9 Arkansas 18.8 Wisconsin 19.4 Utah 19.9 North Carolina 18.5 Ohio 19.4 ...
The class of 2022's averageACTcomposite score was 19.8 out of 36, marking the first time since 1991 that the average score was below 20. What's more, an increasing number of high school students failed to meet any of the subject-area benchmarks set by the ACT — showing a decline in...
To illustrate this more clearly, let's look at an example. If I were to score in similar percentiles on the ACT and SAT—with significantly lower Math section scores—you might think that my total percentiles on both exams would be about the same. But as you can see below, this isn't...
If your practice test score for one test ishigherthan it is for the other in relation to your target score, you'll likely have a better shot at getting into your target colleges using that test! What's Next? If you're aiming for a top ACT or SAT score, check out our guides toget...
What is a Good ACT Score? Getting a perfect ACT score is not the only way to get into the college of your dreams and you certainly don’t need to get a 36 to change the world. It’s never worth comparing your scores to anyone else’s– the only score that should matter to you ...
These consequences include a high focus on the low‐level skills which are reflected on high stakes tests; bad assessment of students who have English as a second language and students with special needs; and compelling incentives to eliminate students who score very low from school, so the ...
And students who want to take the SAT or ACT again to try toboost their scorecan receive another fee waiver. Being able to take the SAT or ACT more than once for free is especially beneficial to low-income families who struggle to pay for the test, Hardy DeJesus says. "Many would onl...
Reading,andScience.Thesetestsmeasureskillsandbescored.Yourscoreoneachtestwillbebasedonlyon abilitieshighlyrelatedtohighschoolcourseworkandthenumberofquestionsyouanswercorrectlyduringthe successincollege.CALCULATORSMAYBEUSEDONtimeallowedforthattest.YouwillNOTbepenalizedfor THEMATHEMATICSTESTONLY.guessing.ITISTOYOURADVANTA...
Two traditionally Republican states that Biden flipped in 2020 saw Haley score significant support: Arizona (18 percent) and Georgia (13 percent). But there was some continued strength even long after Haley dropped out, especially in suburbs that have drifted away from the GOP...