Test score submission policies and ranges for over 400 popular colleges. See what scores you need to make it into the mid-50% range.
What is considered a “good” ACT score will ultimately depend on the individual college or university you are applying to. Different schools will have different ACT score ranges. Schools are re-evaluating their standardized testing policies, and there is an emerging trend of colleges and universiti...
What is considered a “good” ACT score will ultimately depend on the individual college or university you are applying to. Different schools will have different ACT score ranges. Schools are re-evaluating their standardized testing policies, and there is an emerging trend of colleges and universiti...
1 However, competitive colleges often expect higher scores. The score ranges for students admitted to mid-tier and top-tier schools are typically well above that average. Here's a look at 30 colleges where you'll need an above-average ACT score to stay competitive: Name of CollegeScore ...
Learn what ACT scores are likely to get you into the top Tennessee colleges or universities. The side-by-side comparison chart below shows ACT scores for the middle 50% of enrolled students. If your scores fall within or above these ranges, you're on target for admission to one of these...
If you know you want to apply to selective schools but you aren’t quite reaching for the Ivy League, these recommendations are for you. First,take a practice ACT as a sophomore to figure out your base score. Next, look up the ACT score ranges for your target colleges(fora guide on fi...
More ACT Score Information If you want to compare how colleges and universities in Arkansas compare to some of the top schools in the nation, check out these ACT comparison tables for the Ivy League, top liberal arts colleges, and top public universities. At many of the nation's most elit...
Here’s anACT score chartthat shows whatACT scores are good, poor, and competitive for college acceptance. Start Studying Today! Don't put off preparing for the ACT Test. Start studying today and improve your score! See Top ACT Test Courses!
Another aspect of the ACT is its use in judging the test taker’s academic preparedness for college. The ACT score is vital to colleges because once admitted, and the institution will incorporate the ACT in their annual ACT statistics.ACT score rangesjudge colleges, and each year they publish...
What Do Colleges Do If You Send Multiple ACT Scores? You may end up sending a school more than one ACT score, either because they require it or because you earned multiple strong scores and want schools to see them. So what do colleges do if they receive more than one ACT score from ...