What are the SAT requirements for you to be admitted to Harvard University? Average Score & Range The average SAT score at Harvard is 1540 out of 1600 and the range for the middle 50% of accepted students is 1490-1580. Students who get into Harvard University score in the top 1 percent...
U-Va. and Harvard were among a large bloc of schools that temporarily suspended their requirements for SAT or ACT scores because the public health emergency prevented many college-bound students from taking the exams. Students could choose whe...
1.Harvard University 哈佛大学 Yes No score choice OK https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/application-process/application-requirements 2.Princeton University 普林斯顿大学 Yes No recommend https://admission.princeton.edu/faqs#testing 3.Yale University 耶鲁大学 Yes Yes require https://admissions.yale.ed...
https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/application-process/application-requirements 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University 新旧SAT、ACT成绩都接受,且均需要作文成绩。不会倾向某一考试。暂未提及,往年要求:接受拼分(最高分数+最高写作)。 Reference website: https://admission.princeton.edu/applyingforadmission/standardiz...
What is a good ACT score for Harvard? A score of 35 is good for Harvard. This would put your score in the top 26 percent of Harvard students and almost guarantee your acceptance as long as other requirements were also met. ACT Score Breakdown ...
https://admission.brown.edu/first-year/standardized-tests/testing-requirements-2020-21 康奈尔大学 新冠肺炎大流行导致了多场SAT和ACT考试取消。 针对这种特殊情况,想要在2021年8月入学的学生在提交他们的申请时,不要求提交ACT或SAT考试成绩。 但同时康奈尔大学也表示,在2020-2021申请季,ACT或SAT的成绩可能仍然是一...
官网https://admission.brown.edu/first-year/standardized-tests/testing-requirements-2020-21 咨询师总结与建议 这是个史无前例的申请季,当顶级藤校也纷纷放弃对SAT/ACT的要求的时候,预计TOP100的综合性大学中,少数依然坚持要求SAT/ACT的学校,后续很有可能加入到放弃SAT/ACT申请要求的队伍中来。
https://admission.brown.edu/first-year/standardized-tests/testing-requirements-2020-21 06 康奈尔大学 新冠肺炎大流行导致了多场SAT和ACT考试取消。针对这种特殊情况,想要在2021年8月入学的学生在提交他们的申请时,不要求提交ACT或SAT考试成绩。 但同时康奈尔大学也表示,在2020-2021申请季,ACT或SAT的成绩可能仍然是...
Presidential Scholars at the University of Texas-Arlington receive $10,000 per year for four years. The minimum selection requirements for this award are an ACT total score of at least 30 and a high school class rank in the top 20%.
If you’re looking to get into your dream college or university and need to know what their ACT® score requirements are, we’ve got answers.