(a) in a case to which paragraph (b) of this subsection does not apply—at the expiration of 14 days after the period in which an application may be made to the Tribunal for a review of the determination by the Commission of the application for the clearance; or...
53(2). En re´pondant a` la question 2, la Cour n'outrepasse pas sa compe´tence en pre´tendant agir en tant que tribunal inter- national. La Cour donne au gouverneur en conseil, en sa qualite´ de tribunal national, un avis consultatif sur des questions juridiques qui touch...
(NCLT) • 2013 Act replaces the High Court with a Tribunal to be known as NCLT, which will consists of Judicial and Technical members, as Central Government may deem necessary, to exercise and discharge the powers and functions conferred including approval of merger, corporate reorganization,...
(2) In the determination of the four year term, whereSection 18 of the First Alteration Act is further altered by a re-run election has taken place and the persondeleting the word "four" in line 1 and replacing it with the earlier sworn in wins the re-run election, the timeword "...
She had served as a deputy adjudicator of the Small Claims Tribunal in Hong Kong in 1999 and had served as the president from 2000 to 2002 and is currently a council member of the Hong Kong Federation of Women Lawyers. Prior to joining the Company in 2001, she had been a practicing ...
2. 93. Complaints to industrial tribunal. 10. Part X Unfair dismissal 1. Chapter I Right not to be unfairly dismissed 1. The right 1. 94. The right. 2. Dismissal 1. 95. Circumstances in which an employee is dismissed. 2. 96. Failure to permit return after childbirth tre...