After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document. You may refer to the passages as often as necessary. Passage I Meat Market and the old Pioneer office. We rebuild the Landmark Hotel, take down the vinyl fronts ...
severalquestions.Afterreadingapassage,choosethebestanswertoeachquestion andfillinthecorrespondinalonyouranswer.Youmayrefertothe passagesasoftenasnecessary. YouareNOTpermittedtouseacalculatoronthistest. 第一篇(Q1~Q7) PassageI Dimetrodonisalarge,extinct,cold-blooded,carnivorousreptile(seefigure ...
ACT数学是有容错率的,一般60道题,错三四道还是34+,如果每套有1-2道粗心错的题,还是OK的。 Reading ACT阅读是我的痛,我一度阅读分数莫名其妙提到33,后来又莫名其妙掉到28-30左右,没有再上去过。 reading刷题痛苦,刷题后分数上不去更痛苦,身边一起学act的同学也都表示阅读最难。我自己没报阅读课,我也不认...
21.Thepassageisbestdescribedasbeingtoldfromthe WhenIlookbackonthisperiodinmylateteens,Ipointofviewofaphilosopherwhois: recalltheharnessingofundirectedmentalenergyby intellectualpursuits.Upuntilthen,mymentalenergyA.discussingmetaphysicalquestionsthathavetrou- hadgoneintothingslikereadingMelodyMaker,whichbledphilosopher...
DIRECTIONS:Thepassagebelowisfollowedbytenquestions.Afterreadingthepas- sage,choosethebestanswertoeachquestionandfillinthecorrespondingcircleon youranswersheet.Youmayrefertothepassageasoftenasnecessary. READINGTEST Whenthetrianglesoundedinthemorning, Jodydressedmorequicklyeventhanusual.Inthe kitchen,whilehewashedhisface...
Types of Questions on the ACT Reading Test 256 Representative ACT Reading Test Questions 257 Strategies for Taking the ACT Reading Test 267 Pace Yourself 267 Use the Time Allotted 267 Think of an Overall Strategy That Works for You 268 Keep the Passage as a Whole in Mind 268 Find...
act常见及说明入门词汇.pdf,3 3 READING TEST 35 Minutes—40 Questions DIRECTIONS: There are four passages in this test. Each passage is followed by several questions. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question and fill in the correspo
Active Reading: Annotate key points, summarize paragraphs, and predict questions. Time Management: Practice pacing yourself—you have about 8 minutes and 45 seconds per passage. The Science Section The Science section assesses your interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem-solving skil...
After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document. You may refer to the passages as often as necessary.Passage IPROSE FICTION: T 21、his passage is adapted from the short story “From Aboard the Night Train” by ...
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