公共卫生法 1875年英国通过“公共卫生法”(Public Health Act),是现代城市规划法律概念上的先驱。随着城市化进程的推进,规划的编制 … blog.sina.com.cn|基于19个网页 2. 公共卫生法案 根据查得维克的报告书,伦敦政府制定了其首例《公共卫生法案》(Public Health Act)。该法案并未严令政府采取行动铲除伦 … ...
Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Public Health in Scotland.doi:10.1016/S0368-1742(97)80038-0NoneELSEVIERJournal of Comparative Pathology & Therapeutics
必应词典为您提供Public-Health-Service-Act的释义,网络释义: 公共保健服务法;公共卫生服务法案;公共健康服务法;
Smoking , Health and Social Care ( Scotland ) Act (Scotland) Act 2000 as respects authorisation of medical treatment; to amend the Public Health (Scotland) Act 1897 to introduce a right of appeal in certain cases under that Act; to enable the Scottish Ministers to form, participate ... E...
THE Ministry of Health has issued a circular to local authorities reminding them that the above Act, which passed into law in July last, comes into operation on October 1, 1937 (Circular No. 1576. H.M. Stationery Office). Attention is directed to some of the more important changes ...
塞舌尔-Act-13-of-2015-Public-Health-Act-2015 想要下载更多资料,请您添加微信了解详情! 微信号:csco2022 公众号:康安医药咨询
Public Health Service Act. Professional certifies that it does, and shall, comply with Sections 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. 290dd-3 and 290ee-3, as amended.
Public Health Service Act [医]公共卫生署法案;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.To amend title I of the employee retirement incomesecurity act of 1974, title xxvii of the public healthservice act, and the internal revenue code of1986toextend by one year provisions requiring parity in the...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) sets in motion a wide range of programs that substantially affected the health system in the United States and signify a moderate but important regulatory shift in the role of the federal government in public health. This article briefly address...