ACT黑皮书 The ACT Black Book 亚马逊价格:纸质书约28美元,电子书约18美元 优点 黑皮书的重点更集中在教你如何考试。 根据作者Mike Barrett的说法,ACT是一个可预测的考试,年复一年地使用相同的模板。如果你了解了问题的类型和模式,就能准确地识别每个问题问的是什么。也就是说,你可以通过了解出题人的思路来攻克它...
Your OfficialACT® Prep Guideincludes 6 authentic, full-length practice tests in the book and 3 bonus tests online. Treat these tests as dry runs for the big day or use them as a pool of questions for extended practice—whether you’re working in your book or online, we’ve got you ...
ACT黑皮书The ACT Black Book 亚马逊价格:纸质书约28美元,电子书约18美元 优点 黑皮书的重点更集中在教你如何考试。 根据作者Mike Barrett的说法,ACT是一个可预测的考试,年复一年地使用相同的模板。如果你了解了问题的类型和模式,就能准确地识别每个问题问的是什么。也就是说,你可以通过了解出题人的思路来攻克它。...
How This Book Is Arranged xii Before You Begin xii Part One: Getting Acquainted with the ACT Test 1 Chapter 1: About the ACT 3 Description of the ACT 4 English Test 4 Mathematics Test 6 Reading Test 14 Science Test 17 Writing Test (Optional) 19 ...
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《英文原版ACT官方指南2021-2022 The Official Act Prep Guide 2021-2022, (Book + 6 Practice Tests + Bonus》。最新《英文原版ACT官方指南2021-2022 The Official Act Prep Guide 2021-2022, (Book + 6 Practice Tests + Bonus》简介、
Instead of struggling to find the necessary tools and review materials to stay ahead of top students, you can use this study guide. The Mometrix ACT prep book is designed to prepare you for everything on the exam. You have a lot to compete with, so let’s start with the big guns.You...
To be transparent, here's why we believe our ACT prep books guide is better than others online: I explain in detail why good books are good and what each book's flaws are.You probably haven't heard of some of the books we recommend because they're either newer or less well known. ...
The Real ACT Prep Guide: The Only Official Prep Guide from the Makers of the ACTThe Real ACT Prep Guide is the only book with insider test-taking tips and strategy, practice, and insight from the makers of the ACT.ACT Inc
The ONLY Official Prep Guide from the Makers of the ACT Following the Rules 826 Communicating with the Testing Staff 827 Maintaining Your Composure and Energy 828 Voiding Your Answer Documents on Test Day 828 Testing More Than Once 829 作者简介 ACT:ACT考试主办方,美国大学测验组织机构,是总部位于...