Use our practice test questions to make sure that you're not caught off guard on the day of the test! Detailed answer explanations are included for the questions. It may sound obvious, but you have to know which questions you missed (and more importantly why you missed the question) to...
10 ACT Reading Section Tips that You Need to Know Here’s a list of the top 10ACT Reading tipsto improve your ACT test score. Read the Entire Passage Read the Entire Question Watch the Clock Don’t Forget the Line References Use Practice Tests ...
Take an ACT English Practice Test MATHEMATICS 60 questions | 60 minutes The Mathematics questions are grouped into two main sections: Preparing for Higher Math (57%-60%) Number and Quantity (7%-10%) Algebra (12%-15%) Functions (12%-15%) ...
Here's a linkto five free printable ACT practice tests, complete with answer keys so you can grade them yourself. Take one of these practice tests so you can see where you are relative to your target score. When I say to take a practice test, I don't mean answer questions for a sect...
15)PSAT 10/15/16/backup/backup #2/answers and scoring 16)PSAT 2016 Practice #2/backup/answers and scoring/answer explanations/answer sheet 17) SAT May 2016 (Sunday Test — same asSAT Practice Test #6& May 2016 Int. SAT) /scoring ...
Write Notes in Your Test Booklet 31 Mark Your Answers Carefully 31 Plan to Check Your Answers 32 Learn Strategies for Specific Tests 32 Summary 32 Part Two: Taking and Evaluating Your First Practice Test 33 Chapter 3: Taking and Scoring Your First ACT Practice Test 35 ...
Thus, perfection is really important for ACT English. On every practice test, you need to aim for a perfect raw score for a 36. It's pretty clear then that you need to try to answer every question. You can't guess on too many questions and get a 36, which means you need to get...
57 Scoring Keys for the ACT Practice Tests Use the scoring key for each test to score your answer document for the multiple-choice tests. Mark a “1” in the blank for each question you answered correctly. Add up the numbers in each subscore area and enter the total number correct for ...
I will speak to you in English and you will reply to me in English to practice my spoken English. I want you to keep your reply neat, limiting the reply to 100 words. I want you to strictly correct my grammar mistakes, typos, and factual errors. I want you to ask me a question ...