The Democratic Party had become a vessel and a front mainly for the administrative state with a veneer of woke ideology, while the Republican Party was being taken over by refugees from the Democrats, in effect creating a new Trump party out of the remnants of the other two. The rest is ...
Clearly there is opposition from his party, both at the official and grassroots levels, against détente with Venezuela. As for the Democrats, elements have distinguished themselves from Trump by outflanking him from the right. The empire’s newspaper of record,The New York Times,recently ran a...
The Chamber’s goal is to have a national set of privacy requirements that protects children and consumers, allows businesses of all sizes to use the latest technology, and permits the United States to be the global leader in technology and innovation. We believe that in its current for...
Environmental Health Watch NZ “No cause for concern” … nothing to see here. Do you really believe that? Read the info at the links. Fukushima Exposed Published on Jan 10, 2017 According to the report of Canadian researchers in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, it took ...
Private sector analysts say Xi, who took power in 2012, might accelerate reform after focusing for his first five-year term as party leader on cementing his status as China’s most dominant figure since at least the 1980s. “If there is one thing that will be different from the past, th...
In August 2021 the Democratic-controlledHouse of Representativespassed theJohn LewisVoting Rights Advancement Act (named for the famed civil rights leader and politician), a bill designed in part to strengthen the VRA by updating the preclearance formula struck down inShelby Countyv.Holder. The bill...
where the poison spreads even faster than it did in the last century. The unspoken message is “It’s ok to be cruel and trample others as long as you come out ahead.” Abhorrent rhetoric from the leader of our country has re-ignited racism and prejudice in unprecedented and truly fright...
Jeremy Buffer If you want to see#NZPol#ACTParty leader and author of the#TreatyPrinciplesBillDavid#Seymoursquirm, watch his response to Mihingarangi Forbes asking him about the#AtlasNetworkinvolvement in this assault on#NewZealandfounding document#TeTiritioWaitangiand invo...
THE MEN IN SUITS COME FOR KENNEDY; Liberal Grandees Issue Stark Warning to Troubled Party Leader ;Get Your Act Together or Be Replaced, Warn Party Grandees