Footnote 16 It also divided Madras into five districts, each of which had separate health offices that registered and examined women suspected of practising prostitution.Footnote 17 A board was fixed in a prominent place at each of the health offices which explained the procedure of registration in...
specific population structures may arise which may help elucidate the role of the NE Atlantic archipelagos in both preserving and promoting the diversity ofC. calyculatathrough time. The use of SSR-GBAS methods
The three-way interaction approach describes the internal evolution of the co-expression relation between a pair of genes (X, Y)13,15. If it is supposed that a state change within a cell is associated with the expression levels of a third gene, say Z, the expression profile of Z can ca...
Private lawsuits are cases filed by individuals. Class action lawsuits, however, are filed on behalf of a larger group and are typically aimed at large corporations that owe some sort of relief to their consumers. Answer and Explan...
[77]. Based on these results, the positive effects obtained in response to willow extract applications could not be explained by the correction of any nutrient deficiency. This also supports that the willow extract applications work as biostimulants rather than fertilizers, and contribute to the ...