Email Tweet Share Reddit Like this: Loading...Whistleblowing judges: protected by human rights? 18 October 2019 by Guest Contributor Gilham (Appellant) v Ministry of Justice (Respondent) [2019] UKSC 44 – read judgment The UK Supreme Court has unanimously granted an appeal by a district judge...
In October, 2020, Gujarat HCnotedthat increasingly children have access to online gambling, as many of them have unrestricted access to the internet. “The supporters of a ban of Internet gambling maintain that outlawing the activity for all individuals is the only way to ensure that a segment...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) kicked off the 2023 tax season on Jan. 23 with increased staffing thanks to funds it received under the Inflation Reduction Act, passed last August. Under the legislation, the IRS received nearly $80 billion in funding intended to supplement the money that...
She said the Directorate had been working on issues relating to ventilation at the school for some time, but the full scope of the problem was yet to be understood. The Education Minister further noted the ACT Government had made a $15millionelection pledge to the Education Directoratetoad...