Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia. Related to illegal act: Criminal actillegal forbidden by law or statute: an illegal U-turn; forbidden by official rules or regulations: an illegal block (in football); something that is unacceptable to or not performed by a computer: ...
in omnibus For one person to fathom the darkness of complex conspiracies to defraud has not been a pleasant experience; you cannot expect anyone to work miracles or have evidence by rogues’, seen as nonsense, by those equally dishonest or corrupt, or convey factual truth when Planning Inspector...
in omnibus For one person to fathom the darkness of complex conspiracies to defraud has not been a pleasant experience; you cannot expect anyone to work miracles or have evidence by rogues’, seen as nonsense, by those equally dishonest or corrupt, or convey factual truth when Planning Inspector...
The Consumer Rights Protection Act 2009 has the provision for a patient to file a suit in the case of negligence in the service provided by the hospital or member of the medical profession. But there are loopholes in this Act which makes it ineffectual when dealing with medical negligence. I...
Any war film devoid of emotion or moral ambiguity is inherently dishonest. On the basis of that principle, “Act of Valor” is a pack of lies. The film is presented in 1080p High Definition (with a 2.40:1 aspect ratio), accompanied by English and Spanish subtitles...
Advocates of mass immigration are commonly dishonest, and indeed they lie quite a bit. Does this statement sound excessively harsh? Reviewing the record of the past 50 years will reveal most definitely that it isn’t. Let’s begin with the infamous 1965 Immigration Act, the legislation that ...
Trump: “Unfortunately, much of the media in Washington, D.C., along with New York, Los Angeles in particular, speaks not for the people, but for the special interests and for those profiting off a very, very obviously broken system. The press has become so dishonest that if we don’t...
Another deceptive tactic was refugee admissions. Many of the foreigners admitted as refugees do not truly meet the standard definition of a refugee, i.e., someone who personally has a well-founded fear of persecution. Commonly in the past that meant fear of death or imprisonment. Often today ...