ACT Genomics makes personalized medicine accessible to everyone, empowering patients and doctors to stay ahead of cancer.
ACT Genomics makes personalized medicine accessible to everyone, empowering patients and doctors to stay ahead of cancer. Our Mission To Make Personalized Medicine Accessible to All We use cutting-edge genomic testing to create tailored treatment plans that are precise, fast, and reliable. With roots...
ACT Genomics is a cancer molecular information service company funded by a team of experts with multiple years’ experience in oncology, cancer genomics, and bioinformatics. The company’s technology provides the possibility to transform cancer genomic information into precision diagnosis and personalized ...
services. It offers optimal cancer treatment plans, cancer relapse, drug resistance monitoring, cancer risk assessment, and immunotherapy evaluation services. ACT Genomics was founded in 2014 and is based in Taipei City, Taiwan. In December 2022, Prenetics acquired a majority stake in ACT Genomics....
7月1日,台湾癌症基因组学公司 ACT Genomics (ACTG) 和日本临床检测服务供应商LSI Medience表示双方已签署了一份谅解备忘录,以推动日本个性化医疗的发展。 作为合作的一部分,两家公司表示将 "探索适合日本医疗保健环境的基因组和临床检验服务合作...
基因及诊断检测公司普瑞健康(PRE.US)周五宣布,该公司已达成一项协议,同意收购癌症精准治疗方案供应商ACT Genomics Holdings Co.的多数股份。根据协议,普瑞健康将发行1990万股A类普通股、并支付2000万美元现金以购买ACT Genomics的多数股权。此外,普瑞健康预计,ACT Genomics将在2023年贡献约2500万-3000万美元的营收。
简介:ACT Genomics(HONGKONG)Limited 评分64 法定代表人 - 注册资本 - 成立日期 - - - - -天眼风险 自身风险0 暂无自身风险 周边风险0 暂无周边风险 历史风险0 暂无历史风险 预警提醒0 暂无预警提醒基本信息 法定代表人 - 成立日期 - 经营状态 - 注册资本 - 实缴资本 - 统一社会信用代码 - 工商注册号 - ...
行动基因广泛型癌症基因检测-actgenomics.pdf,行動基因廣泛型癌症基因檢測 完整分析癌症基因資訊 ,精準找出更多治療選擇 透過廣泛檢測400個癌症相關基因及腫瘤訊息傳遞路徑分析 制定更佳的癌症治療策略 檢測時機 在不同時間點可提供更多治療方向建議 常見 癌症 復發 早期
Expecting ACT to contribute $25-30 million in revenues in 2023 image credit- ACT GenomicsHong Kong headquartered Prenetics Global is acquiring a majority stake in ACT Genomics Holdings Company, an Asia based genomics company specialising in precision oncology with operations in Hong Kong, Taiwan, ...