notes an email from Jerome White, a College Board spokesperson: "Throughout the pandemic, the College Board has expanded its distribution of electronic fee waiver codes to school counselors, test coordinators, and community-based organizations to make it easier...
Such polysaccharide utilization loci (sg. polysaccharide utilization locus (PUL)) are particularly prominent in the genomes of polysaccharide-degrading Bacteroidota, where they typically comprise a susCD gene tandem that codes for a SusD-like substrate-binding and for a SusC-like channel protein of ...
NEA may, in exchange for adequate security and a guarantee fee, act as a guarantor for purchases of electricity in the wholesale electricity spot market by any electric cooperative or small distribution utility to support their credit standing consistent with the provisions hereof. For this purpose,...
COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS AND LEASE FINANCING For purposes of portfolio risk management, we aggregate commercial and industrial loans and lease financing according to market segmentation and standard industry codes. We generally subject commercial and industrial loans and lease financing to ...
Nebraska received Family First Transition Act funds as well as the Funding Certainty Grant because of their expiring IV-E Waiver. When asked what the FFPSA Plan project budget was for Nebraska, P1 informed me that “ It started off as $3 million. During that first RFQ, some funding did go...
The court noted that Integra, in its pleading, had not ruled out an alternative explanation for why Providence Health’s claim submissions included more Medicare reimbursement codes—in this case, major complication or comorbidity (“MCC”) codes—than other institutions: namely that Providence, with...
Enrolled in a program for the economically disadvantaged (for example, a federally funded program such as GEAR UP or Upward Bound).Note: If the student participates in a program, but is not economically disadvantaged, they are not eligible for a fee waiver. ...
The provision extends the time for the use of local codes (known as HCPCS level III codes) through December 31, 2003; the Secretary is required to make the codes available to the public. Section 533. Recognition of New Medical Technologies Under Medicare Inpatient Hospital PPS. ...
DRRA Section 1206(b) amends Stafford Act Section 406—Repair, Restoration, and Replacement of Damaged Facilities to add base and overtime wages for extra hires to facilitate implementation and enforcement of adopted building codes as an allowable expense.61Allowable base and overtime wages are autho...
In addition, comparing medical billing codes CCI software can identify when medical procedure were billed erroneously as service bundles (when individual services are grouped together, but cheaper comprehensive codes are available to describe the same services) or in other cases when services should ...