ACT Raw Score:The number of questions you answered correctly in the section. For example: If you answer 35 questions correctly on the ACT English Test, then your raw score for ACT English is 35. ACT Scaled Score:The score that you get on each section of the ACT test after your raw sco...
You can learn about raw-to-scaled score conversion with the following ACT score calculator chart. The conversion table in this ACT scoring guide was created using the 2022-23 ‘Preparing for the ACT’ document published by the ACT. RAW SCORESSCALED SCORE English testMath testReading testScience...
Now that you've got a score chart, it's time to calculate your raw scores for each section. To do this, simply use your test's answer key to add up all the correct answers you got on each ACT section. For example, if you answered 60 out of 75 English questions correctly, your ra...
If you score a 13 or lower, however, you’ll fall into the lower 10% of test takers, which we also call the 10th percentile. Unfortunately, scores that are well below average don’t enhance college applications. But let’s say you raise your score by one point, taking it from a 13 ...
Scroll down for a look at the underlying data on the SAT to ACT conversion chart. ACT to SAT Score Calculator Input your ACT test score to see how well you might do on the SAT. Enter your ACT composite score (out of 36) Your potential SAT composite score (out of 1600) SAT to ...
StudentStar Reading ScoreStar Math Score{{ }}Remove Buttons On TrackBelow Remove Add student {{}}: Grade {{grade}} | {{month}} Estimated benchmark for grade and month How to interpret the{{}}report ...
admissions process. There are four sections on the ACT exam, including reading, mathematics, science, and english (with an optional writing section). The ACT scores range from 1 to 36, with a 36 being the highest score one can get. The average act score for all test takers is just ...
Note: All scores from your selected test date are sent. Score Equivalence Chart: ACT Composite Score vs. SAT Total Score Although ACT and SAT scores aren’t perfectly comparable, since the tests have slightly different sections, knowing your score on one can give you an idea of how you’d...
Starting in September 2020, ACT will superscore every student’s record. This is part of a number of changes to ACT administrations, including the ability to take a single test again (English, Math, Reading, Science, or Writing), rather than retaking the entire ACT. Because students who do...
The test evaluates student’s skills in four subject areas of Math, English, Reading, and Science. Let’s look at each of these sections and evaluate what a good score looks like for each. ACT English Section Good English ACT Scores ...