A Ford Falcon was stopped by police after travelling at 214 km/h along the Majura Parkway during a spate of highspeed incidents on Saturday (13 June). The 23-year-old Florey man had three other passengers in the car and is facing a fine of $1841 and 6 demerit points for exceeding the...
A full license in the ACT has a threshold of 12 demerit points. If you lose more than 12 demerit points, your licence will be put on hold for three years from the date of your most recent offence. I Received My Fine – Now What? The next step is to pay your speeding fine. In Ca...
Under the amended licensing regime for foreign vocational drivers, work pass holders who drive for work will need to obtain a local driving licence within six months from the date they obtain their work passes. Currently, the RTA allows foreigners to drive in Singapore with a valid foreign ...
“To drive so fast as a P-plate driver, or indeed any licenced driver, defies common sense,” said Detective Inspector Hofmeier. “Provisional drivers aren’t as experienced on our roads, and if you overestimate your ability, there is no margin for error at that speed. “What w...
Throughout October, ACT Policing will be focusing on L and P-plate drivers as part of the joint ACT Road Safety Strategy. The warning comes as police gear up for double demerit points for all drivers this long weekend. The double demerit period began today (2 October), ...