FREE CRM TRIAL Your Comprehensive CRM Consultant Partner – Tailoring Act! CRM Solutions to Your Needs As yourcommitted CRM consulting partner, we navigate you through selecting the ideal platform tailored to meet your needs. Our proficiency ensures you access the finest deals and discounts, maximizin...
Act-On’s pricing model offers flexibility & unrivaled support. Reach your target audience based on active use, not databases, or junk data.
Door prizes! Free licenses, discounted pricing for all attendees, and free lunch will be provided! Let us know what you’d like to see this year! [box style=”note”]We need an idea of how large the event may be. If your attendance is possible, please tell us here.[/box]This...
在收集客户和计划成员反馈时,品牌可以从一系列工具、技术和方法中进行选择,以获得加强客户忠诚度和奖励计划所需的见解。根据可用资源、收集和理解反馈背后的目标以及组织的正确方法,品牌可以利用调查、民意调查、CRM 分析、内部资源(例如客户服务团队成员)和其他工具来培养客户忠诚度成功策略。本文中的专家将调查作为收集反...